Join Ottawa StoryTellers for our annual fundraiser...this year, an evening of trivia and storytelling!

On Friday, September 23 at 7pm ET, join us on Zoom for a fun evening of food-themed trivia and the telling of a few tales. How much do you know about foods from around the world? The ingredients that are in popular dishes? Foods for special occasions?

All participants register and play individually. There is a $20 individual registration fee.
Four $50 cash prizes will be awarded, one to the winner in each of the four categories about food. Storytellers will share a tale between each round of the trivia. There are only 50 tickets available for this special fundraising event - get yours today!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the event, including the link to Zoom. You will need to access Zoom and the online trivia program Kahoot! simultaneously.

Consider donating! Your donation will help us continue to promote and celebrate the art of oral storytelling in our community. Funds go directly towards OST’s programming, from our Signature Series to storytelling workshops and supporting our monthly shows and events throughout the season. Please give and Be Part of the Story!

Questions? E-mail us at