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Mary is available during the day, evenings and weekends.


Available upon request


Email: mwiggin634(at)

Phone: 613-668-0119

“Mary’s wit flashes with quicksilver humour; her insight unveils hidden truths in poetic turns of phrase.”

“She told the story so well I was smiling from start to finish!”


Mary Wiggin

For over 15 years, Mary Wiggin has delighted audiences with her storytelling. Renowned for her exquisite sense of language, Mary is a subtle master of the literary tale. She favours folktales and fairy tales with strong heroines and sound plots, but listeners should be ready for some surprises. Her no-nonsense style is the perfect set-up for the uncanny and the fantastic. 

Mary has been a frequent featured teller at the Ottawa StoryTellers’ (OST) series at the National Arts Centre and Arts Court and at the Children’s Storytelling Festival. She also tells at a variety of community settings such as seniors’ programs, museums, house concerts and fundraising events. In 2016, Mary and Kathie Kompass toured British Columbia with The Game’s Afoot: Stories from Sherlock Holmes; returned to Vancouver Island in 2018 with Oatcakes and Heartaches: Scottish Tales Carried Over the Ocean; and again in 2019 with Winter Tales to Warm the Heart.

Mary has co-coordinated two Ottawa StoryTellers' series, Stories & Tea at The Tea Party, and Tellers at the Well at the West End Well, and has been one of the facilitators of the Introductory Storytelling Workshop for OST.


Mary specializes in telling stories for adults but she has lots of experience telling to younger audiences in schools and libraries and at the Children’s Storytelling Festival. Her repertoire includes literary, historic, folk and fairy tales and she is especially fond of humorous stories. It’s always good to share a laugh with the audience.